course D [ ] ‘Scriptwriting 2: Genre’

the conventions of common filmic forms
and how to uncover the ‘rules’ determining audience expectations...

1. Genre: A Formalised Setup

what is popular narrative structure?


how does an audience’s expectation define genre?

2. Suspense - Sequencing (1)


how is suspense constructed?


why does it give us thrills?

3. Suspense - Sequencing (2)


doubt and paranoia


reversals and misfortunes 

4. Suspense - Character (1)


rites of passage


the contagonist as mirror/foil

5. Comedy - Character (1)


the absurdity of the human condition


why we need to laugh

6. Comedy - Theme (1)




how deep is the joke?

7. Transcendence - Theme (1)




what elements shape such a narrative path?

8. Transcendence - Character (1)




identification, character, theme

9. Genre - Conclusion


market scope


post-analysis of audience expectations

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course outline copyright david young 2000 and before 
Phone 02 6254 2917

no words can ever be written unless they’re meant...