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Vineyard Motel for Mobile Phone

Relax on the verandahs with a book, some friends, a glass  of wine.

The perfect place to relax and recharge.

With only 6 rooms, bring a group of friends and have the place to yourselves.

Vineyard Motel at Facebook


COWRA  N.S.W.  2794.

ABN: 55 121 193 012
Phone:  (02) 6342 3641
Fax:      (02) 6342 6800
Email:  Click

We are very pet friendly
so please enquire when you book.

We also Offer Free Wifi!

Go back                                          Iandra Castle                         

While in Cowra check with the tourist office when Iandra Castle is open to visitors. It is really worth seeing.

NEXT OPEN DAY/S  : See www.iandracastle.com.au/when.htm.

Adults $10 per person; Students:  $15

What we locals refer to as IANDRA CASTLE is actually called Mt. Oriel -  Homestead & Pastoral Estate - at Iandra near Greenthorpe off the road to Grenfell.

Iandra represents a rare example of a complete feudal-like estate, modelled on the English Manor system, established in Australia during the Federation period. It may have no equal in NSW or Australia. The adjoining Greenethorpe village was built by Greene for his tenants.
The estate today comprises approximately 3,000 acres, the jewel in the crown being the magnificent Federation Homestead in its park-like gardens. Original workers cottages, manager’s residence, blacksmith, chapel and cemetery, are still standing along with other outbuildings .
It was built by Mr. G.H. Greene, M.L.A.in 1880, who pioneered the sharefarming industry on his property, and provided everything necessary for the development and maintenance of his sheep and wheat enterprise on the 32,000 acres of land he owned.
George Henry Greene, M.L.A. revolutionised the approach to wheat growing in Australia and was at the forefront of wheat growing technology in the nation.
The Iandra enterprise produced the largest yield of wheat at the time from a single property and saw a concentration of labour forces of 500-600 men, a scale not previously seen in rural NSW
The interiors are just as amazing as the exteriors.

This property is not to be missed. It is about a 20 minute drive from Cowra – or catch the Tour Bus.
Pick a date when it is open and make a special trip. You won’t be disappointed.

Join a tour of Historic Iandra Castle at the Castle Gates. The tour includes access to the castle and grounds with guided tour and afternoon tea. Take some bottled water with you as well.

There will be time at the end of the tour to explore the castle and grounds at your leisure.

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